Make Your Own Butter

Making your own butter is easier than you think! Follow the simple steps below and enjoy your homemade treat!

Start by obtaining a quality, full fat cream from your local farmer or speciality grocery store. The best cream is one you can scoop with a spoon rather than pour from a pitcher. Conventional creams may be mixed with lower-fat milk, making the churning process difficult.

Once you have 2-4 cups of full fat cream, it's time to gather the rest of your ingredients and equipment:

Hand mixer or whiskTwo mixing bowlsA cheesecloth or thin, clean dish towelIce and filtered water for ice bathSalt or other butter flavoring of your choice (herbs, chilis, honey, cinnamon, etc.)

Step One

Place cream in a medium mixing bowl and begin to whip on medium

Step Two

Continue mixing, even beyond the consistency of whipped cream, until it separates into solids and butter milk. Its normal for the solids to turn golden yellow.

Step Three

Once the solids and buttermilk are completely separated, spoon solids onto the center of a clean cheesecloth, thinly woven cloth napkin, or dish towel. You can either discard the remaining buttermilk in the bowl or save it for future baking.

Step Four

Pick up all four corners of your cloth and twist to secure butter solids into a small ball. Dunk cloth in a bowl of ice and filtered water to remove any excess buttermilk.

Step Five

When ice bath water becomes milky in color, rinse and refresh the bowl with new ice and water. Repeat this process as many times as needed, until your final ice bath water remains clear after swishing the cloth several times.

Step Six

Place newly formed ball of butter in a clean bowl and add your desired flavoring. Mix until all added components are incorporated and place in the fridge to chill.